A Roof Over Her Head - Habitat Stories | Boise Valley Habitat for Humanity

Habitat stories

Meet Boise Valley Habitat for Humanity.


A Roof Over Her Head

Working at the VA hospital for 17 years, Holly had to take an unexpected medical retirement. With a roof that had several leaks and resources that were now limited, Holly could not complete the necessary repairs for her home to stay warm and dry. With a smaller income, she didn’t have the means to make the necessary repairs to her roof or her home. Raising two of her grandchildren at the time, Holly was in dire need of help. Holly was out of options. But thanks to the Critical Home Repairs Program, Holly now has a proper roof over her and her family’s heads.

When asked what her life was like before working with Boise Valley Habitat for Humanity, Holly shared that she was miserable.

“My roof leaked, and I had no family to come help me,” Holly said. “My neighbors couldn't do any more than what I could do. The church tried to help me cover up the leaks, but it still wasn’t enough. I ran out of avenues.”

Now, her life is different.

“It's so much nicer,” said Holly. “I don't need to worry about water hitting the roof or anything anymore, and it stays much cooler in my house. And there's one less chance of bugs getting in, too. I don’t need to worry anymore because the roof is repaired and done.”

A leaking roof can cause a number of different problems. Even over a short time, small leaks can lead to big issues, such as mold, rotted framing and sheathing, destroyed insulation, and damaged ceilings. Thanks to the help of supportive donors and giving volunteers, Holly no longer needs to fret about any of these factors.

Living in a state with four seasons, water isn’t the only concern for improper shelter. A leaking roof poses difficulty in winters, too, as snow has a way to creep in.

“[Having my roof repaired] is a real relief,” Holly said. I know that when winter hits, I'm not going to be looking for the snow to be coming in or the cold.”

When asked what working with Habitat meant to her, Holly shared her gratitude to the donors, staff, and supporters of the Critical Home Repairs Program.

“It was such a blessing to find you guys,” said Holly. “I was working with a nurse at St. Alphonsus who happened to find [Habitat] because we couldn't find anybody to help me. And then when I got a hold of [Habitat] I thought, ‘well, it's worth a shot’.

Asking for help is no easy task but community is necessary to combat some struggles. Thanks to the Critical Home Repairs Program, Holly was able to feel seen.

“I felt like I was a human being,” Holly said. “That was really special.”



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